Canter safari vs jeep safari

Canter safari vs jeep safari

Canter safari vs jeep safari

Normally while planning for a visit to national park, people always have one thing in mind that which is better between canter safari vs jeep safari or what is the actual difference between a canter or a jeep as normally most of us don’t have a clear picture what does a canter look like and is our gypsy will be covered or opened from sides.

Therefore, yes this question had come in our mind as well while going for the safari first time. So, here we clear the confusion which occupies your mind so often.

Most of the tourists prefer to go for jeep safari than canter safari as it is popular all over the world amongst tourists for a wildlife adventure.

Difference between a canter & a jeep

What is Jeep safari
Jeep or Gypsy is a 4X4 vehicle which allows 5-7 tourists at once for the national park safari along with driver and forest safari guide. It is an open gypsy from top and both the sides so that tourists can enjoy all side view without any disturbance.

A jeep can get you more chances of animals sighting compared to canter as it can be moved on small tracks as well. In most of the national parks one is allowed to book single seat where as, in some you will have to book entire gypsy by paying the full cost.

In addition, not all the national parks in India even other countries organize canter safari but jeep safari is available everywhere.

What is Canter safari
Canter is just like a mini bus which allows 14 to 20 tourists at once (Number of seats in a canter varies national parks to national parks). It is normally covered from top (not covered in some national parks as well) and it has more height than the gypsy which allows you to look far more away compared to gypsy which sometimes give you advantage of looking deep into the forest in search of animals.

However, gypsy can be driven on small tracks as well but not the canter because of its bigger size. Canter is also popular amongst large groups when people can travel together in one vehicle only.

Yes, There is a Price difference
Charges for canter safari is little less comparing to jeep safari. Therefore, it is also popular among tourists when planning a budget trip to national park.

We hope this article has cleared your doubt of not knowing the difference between canter safari vs jeep safari.